The District Level Consultation Meeting was held on 9th  May, 2019 at Parish Hall, Kolasib at 11 :00 am under the chairmanship of Mr.J. Rothanga, District Agriculture Officer and District Project Manager, FOCUSKolasib. The Chairman welcomed and thankedall the Village Council Presidents and Secretaries who made time to attend the meeting despite their busy schedule to represent their villages. He informed the members that such meetings had to be held at the requests of the United Nations Organisation who are the main funding agency of the FOCUS Project. He thanked the District Commissioner of Kolasib, Pu Zoengsanga, MCS       for accepting the invitation to be the Chief Guest at a short notice since the Commissioner & Secretary of Agriculture was not able to attend the meeting due to his health issues. The meeting was witnessed  by officials  from different departments  under Kolasib District   viz.   Horticulture,   Animal   Husbandry   &Veterinary,    ICAR   Kolasib,   Block Development  Officer-  Kolasib,  DAO's  office  staff,  ATMA  and  the  invited  media.  The Assistant Manager (Planning) gave a brief report on the work done by DMU. 

    The  Chief  Guest  in his  speech  requested   the  VC  members   present  not  to hire  people from  the  neighbouring   states  to work  in their  farms  and ponds  but to start working  diligently at their  own farm.  Hardworking   is the only key to achieve  success  and it is in the hands  of the people   and  the  FOCUS   staff  to  make  the  Project   successful   and  also  challenged   the  VC membersto   try  to be  a Model  District  under  FOCUS   Project  which  aims  to  uplift  the  living condition  of the farming  family.  Pu R.K Nithanga,   State  Project  Director  introduced  the PMU Officers  and  staff  and  highlighted   the Project  activities,   goals  and  objectives.   He advised  the VC  members   to put  aside  political   feelings  which  can  hinder  the  smooth  functioning   of the Project.

The  afternoon   session  was  used  for  discussion   where  the  following   questions   were raised  and discussed:   -

1) There   are  four  departments    involved   under  this   Project   and  why   is  Forest   and  Rural Development    Department   not  included   was  the  first  question   raised.  The  meeting   informed that   convergence    has  to  be  done   not   only   with   the   four  departments    but  with   the  two departments    mentioned   and  that  the  PCCF  and  Commissioner    of  R.D  are  also  members   of SCRAM  (Society  for Climate  Resilient  Agriculture   in Mizoram).

2) Question  regarding   how  assistance   is to be given  to Village  Forest  Conservation   Area  was asked.  It  is mentioned   in the  Project   Implementation    Manual   that  construction    of  trenches, bunds  and  establishment    of  nursery   and  raising   of  seedlings   are  to  be  done  in the  village conservation     area.   However,    assistance    can   also   be   given   as   per   the   felt   needs   and requirements.

3) The  meeting  was  informed  that  poor  road  conditions   are the  major  problems   faced  by the farmers.  So, if construction   of link road  is included  under  this Project  was the main  question. The  meeting  was  informed  that  around  400  km  link road  construction   is designed   under  this Project   and  link  road  will  be  constructed    as  per  the  needs   of  the  farmers   after  thorough survey.

4)  Women's    Farmer   Club,  Kawnpui   asked   if goatery   (poor  mans  cow)   is  included   in  the Project.   Deputy   Director   (Vety)   informed   that   it  wasn't    included   in  the  Project   design. However,   AH  & Vety  Department   has  established   breeding   unit  at Thenzawl   recently   and therefore,   further  discussion   on this topic  can be done.

5) If  arecanut   planting   material   can  be  distributed   was  also  asked. They  were  informed   that they  will be given  as per need.

6)  Bairabi   South   VCP  pointed   out  that  Zamuang   (Mamit)   has  supplied   the  best  arecanut planting  material   according   to their  experience.   Questions   regarding   FIG's   and  Lead  Farmer were  also  asked.  The  meeting   was  informed   that  FIG  guidelines   to  be  followed   is already made  and  corrected  after  receiving   input  from  the IF AD Office  which  will  later be translated in the local language  for all members  to understand.

7) Questions regarding if church leaders can be part of the committee member or as Lead farmer was asked since such people tend to have more  influence  in the community.  The meeting was informed that such arrangements can be made within the village with the help of Village Council members.

8) Lungmuat VC hinted that work cannot be done uniformly by all the villages since people have not been aware enough of the FOCUS Project. It was said that since the Project is in the initial  stage,  work  cannot  be  done  at  quick  pace  during  the  current  financial  year  but hopefully it would be working at its best in the next year.

9) North  Chawnpui  VCP  questioned  what  role  is "to be played  by the  VC's  since  Lead Farmers  are  already  selected  in the  villages.  The  Chairman  told  the  members  that  even though there is no direct involvement required, all the VC's  are to take active part for the smooth functioning of the Project as their job  is to monitor and assist the activities of the Project with the FOCUS staff.

The  meeting  ended  with  a  vote  of  thanks  from  Ms.  Agnes  Lalrintluangi  (Asst. Manager,  Finance)  expressing  gratitude  to  everyone  for  participating  in  the  event  and especially to the ATMA and DAO's  staff for their assistance for the event.Out of the  53 villages under the district, 49 VCs representing their respective villages attended the meeting. The meeting ended at 2:00 p.m.

Several activities under each sector was briefly highlighted by the PMU. The State Project Director and Deputy Directors of PMU advised the FOCUS staff to have good work ethic and maintain punctuality and discipline. The DMU staff are the ones in contact with the farmers and therefore should deal the villagers with good manners and built good relationship and to always  remember   they  are the face  of FOCUS.