IFAD is ‘International Fund for Agriculture Development’ under UN with headquarters in Rome, Italy. It has a regional office at New Delhi headed by Mr. Ulac Demirag, Country Director. IFAD is taking up a Project in Mizoram through Government of India (Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, South Block, New Delhi).
A plan for collaboration with Government of Mizoram was started through NLUP Implementing Board in 2017. The IFAD Design Mission team, then, visited Mizoram for a number of times, studied and surveyed the State and then chalked out formulation Plan (Draft Aide Memoire) which has been submitted to the Government of Mizoram. The Project is named ‘Fostering Climate Resilient Upland Farming System’ (FOCUS) . In order to implement this project, GoM established a society named Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Mizoram (SCRAM) under the DoA where Chief Secretary of the State is the Chairman. There is no higher authority above the society. The main departments are Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Veterinary, Soil & Water Conservation, and Agriculture Department (CH) is designated as the Nodal Department. Project implementation at field level is to be done by Mission Director (Director of Agriculture, CH, Department) and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) deputed by the Government of Mizoram). In Districts, the District, Agriculture Officers will be utilized, on dual charge basis, as District Project Manager.
There are 3 project components viz.
a) Improvement of Jhum Cultivation
* Better Jhum and conservation
* Settled Agriculture promotion
b) Value chain & Market Access
* Value chain Development
* Market Access Infrastructure
c) Project Management
* Project Management Structure
* M & E and knowledge Management
Selection of beneficiary/farmer:
* Every jhumming families will be covered
* WRC (existing) will be improved
* Any jhumming family willing to go for settled agriculture will be promoted.
* No government servant to be allowed
Project Management Unit (PMU) at State Level: It comprises of 1 no. CEO and a team of the Technical Officers deployed by Government of Mizoram from Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Vety and Soil & Water Conservation Department (1 each = 4) on full time basis.
District Management Unit (DMU) at District Level: This will be housed in District Agriculture Officers of 4 Project Districts where DAOs’ will be take dual charge. District Agriculture Officers (District Project Manager) will be assisted by 1 technical Officer (Mid-level) each from Agriculture, Horticulture and AH & Vety Department on full time basis, In addition, 1 Extension Officer rank from, the aforesaid Departments will also be deployed by Government of Mizoram. This is the main implementing Unit / Agency at District Level
IFAD desires the minimum/shortest layer of operational structure for implementation. However, Government of Mizoram is required/requested to fill up postings of field staff upto Village Level to assist & strengthen IFAD Operation in the field. Line Departments request for arrangements of deployement from the concerned authority. Fund will flow from a society called SCRAM to District Management Unit (DAOs Office) from where it will go to villages (FIGs/SHG/Cooperative Societies etc).
Project Objective
The overall goal of the project is to increase household agricultural income of 64,500 households and enhance their resilience to climate change. This would be achieved through the development objective of increasing the environmental sustainability and profitability of the farming systems practiced by the highland farmers of Mizoram.
Project coverage
The FOCUS project is going to be implemented in four districts of Mizoram namely Mamit, Kolasib, Champhai, and Serchhip. The remaining four districts of the state, namely Aizawl, Lunglei, Lawngtlai and Saiha have not been considered due to on-going implementation of other major projects. Demographic details of the four districts are given in the Table below. It shows that the selected districts taken together constitute 42.75% of the total geographical area of Mizoram; 28.13% of the state’s population and 32.83% of the total number of households of the state.
Governing Council
The society shall have a Governing Council (GC).The GC shall have the following composition:
Sl. No | Occupation | Designation |
1 | Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram | Chairperson |
2 | Secretary, Agriculture | Co-Chairperson |
3 | Principal Chief Conservator of Forest | Member |
4 | Secretary, Planning & Programme Implementation | Member |
5 | Secretary, Horticulture Department | Member |
6 | Secretary, Rural Development Department | Member |
7 | Secretary, Finance Department | Member |
8 | Secretary, AH & Vety Department | Member |
9 | Secretary, Soil & Water Conservation Department | Member |
10 | Secretary, Land, Revenue & Settlement Department | Member |
11 | Deputy Commissioner, Champhai | Member |
12 | Deputy Commissioner, Kolasib | Member |
13 | Deputy Commissioner, Serchhip | Member |
14 | Deputy Commissioners Mamit | Member |
15 | State Project Director (CEO), FOCUS | Member Secretary |
Project Management Committee (PMC)
The Project Management Committee (PMC) of the Society comprises of the following officials and member as specified below:
1 | Secretary, Agriculture | Chairperson. |
2 | Director of Agriculture (Crop Husbandry) | Co-Chairperson |
3 | State Project Director (Chief Executive Officer) | Member Secretary |
4 | Conservator of Forest | Member |
5 | Director, Horticulture Department | Member |
6 | Director, AH & Vety Department | Member |
7 | Director, Soil & Water Conservation Department | Member |
8 | Director of Agriculture (Research & Education) | Member |
District Coordination Committee (DCC):
a. A District Coordination Committee (DCC) shall be set up in every district in which the Project will be implemented. The DCC shall be deemed to be a constituent unit of the Society, and shall have its office at the District headquarters. The DCC shall be headed by Deputy Commissioner of the district.
b. (i) The District Coordination Committee shall provide the necessary guidance to the Project, review performance and approve budgets of the District Project Management Units.
(ii) The District Coordination Committee shall consist of following:
Sl. No | Occupation | Designation |
1 | Deputy Commissioner | Chairperson. |
2 | District Agriculture Officer / District Project Manager (DPM) | Vice Chairperson |
3 | Project Director, DRDA | Member |
4 | District Horticulture Officer | Member |
5 | District AH & Vety Officer | Member |
6 | District Forest Officer | Member |
7 | District Soil & Water Conservation Officer | Member |
8 | Block Development Officers of IFAD District | Member |
9 | Executive Engineer (MI) | Member |
10 | Planning and Monitoring Officer | Member Secretary |