Held during 4-8th March, 2019

Organised by       : FOCUS MIZORAM in partnership with IFAD

Venue                  : Horticulture Conference Hall & Aijal Club

Total participants : 276

Duration total      : 5 days


The document on hand is a narration of the detail the events and proceeding of the training workshop that was conducted by the IFAD, Indian team. The training was conducted at the Horticulture Conference Hall and Aijal Club and the whole session lasted for 5 days. The training was organised by FOCUS MIZORAM in partnership with IFAD

About participants

The workshop was well attended. There were 276 participants in the workshop including the launching programme. The participants were invited from all the line departments who are involved in the SCRAM along with the newly recruited FOCUS staff. The list of officials’ participants is attached

Time Schedule

The five days training workshop was conducted on five on-consecutive days. With this the training was conducted on 4,5,6,7 & 8 March, 2019. Each day there were two fifteen minutes tea breaks at 10:10 AM and on 2:00 PM. There was an hour lunch break at 1:30 PM daily

Training Goal

The main objective behind the training Start-Up Workshop is to get the delegates and the newly recruited staff to learn and to know about the FOCUS Project implementation and start up activities from start to end and what’s in between.

Along with that, the Focus staff needed to understand what to focus when managing their work on the overall goal of the project in Mizoram is to increaseagricultural income of 64,500 households, and to enhance their resilience to climate change. This would be achieved through the development objective of increasing the environmental sustainability and profitability by highland farmers

The project is having three components:

(i)               Improved Jhum management

(ii)             Value Chain and Market Access

(iii)          Project Management & Knowledge services


Workshop Contents

The following core concept were covered in the training programme:

·        Financial management & Audit

·        Introduction to Procurement

·        Project Management Features

·        Introduction to Participatory Land Use Maps, village resource maps and land suitability maps, Use of satellite imagery in preparing participatory plans for land management

·        Community Mobilization and partners in Project Implementation

·        Improved Jhum Management

·        Value Chain and Market Access

·        Settled Agriculture

·        Targeting, Gender Mainstreaming, Knowledge Management and relevant policies of IFAD

·        Planning, reporting and M& E requirements and procedures including ORMS and Annual Outcome Survey

·        AWPB preparation

·        Workshop Close



















Resource Persons from IFAD:

Mr.Sriram Sankara Subramanium, IFAD

Mr.Pradeep Kumar Shrestha, Financial Management Consultant


The first day of Training (Startup Workshop of FOCUS Mizoram) was started on 4th March 2019 at Horticulture Conference Hall, Aizawl, Mizoram. This programme was organized by Society for Climate Resilient Agriculture in Mizoram (SCRAM) and the CEO Mr.R.K.Nithanga hosted the programme. Members from the board including the Mission Director, Mr. Rohmingthanga  delivered a welcome speech and brief information about the project. All staffs of PMU along with DPM, Assistant Managers and Technical Officers from DMU attended the training.


The session was started with “Training on Financial Management and Audit” by Mr.Pradeep Kumar Shrestha, Consultant of IFAD, Financial Management Specialist. The following topics were discussed on the first session (forenoon) by giving a presentation:

Ø Financial administration, fund administration, disbursement process and procedures, designated account, preparation of statement of expenditure/ Interim Financial Reports, WA and other fiduciary matters.

·        How the disbursement is routed.

·        Process and documents for submitting withdrawal applications and frequency.

·        Reconciling disbursements.

Ø Financing agreement and Letter to the borrower (LTB)

Ø Accounts: review the readiness of the project and minimum accounting records and procedures to be maintained by the project parties.

Ø Internal Controls including delegation of powers.


The second session (afternoon) was continued with “Training on Financial Management and Audit” by Mr.Pradeep Kumar Shrestha on the following topics:


Ø Financial Reports

·        Preparation of monthly, quarterly and annual reports.

·        Bank reconciliation.

·        AWPB comparison and variance.

Ø Audit: auditing processes and timing, quality of auditing at all level of the programme, maintenance of audit log, etc.

Ø Accounting Software – Chart of accounts, mapping of categories and components, customisation for reports, consolidation and reporting.

After the session, there was a Q&A session where everyone can raise question regarding their doubts and clear their understanding. It was beneficial for everyone who attended the training.

Key highlights:

Ø Role of FMD:

·        Provides risk based oversight and value added in IFAD-funded operations including capacity building, ensuring funds are used for intended purposes.

·        Develop & update effective FM policy, standards, related procedures (including financial reporting, audit, cash flows).

·        Provide corporate advisory services on FM, including lending terms, debt issues, market borrowing, replenishment.

·        Enhance strategic partnerships with external stakeholders including MDBs, to harmonise FM policy and operational practices.

Ø Financial Reporting will follow the reporting standard as per IFAD Handbook on Financial Reporting.

Ø Accounting Management will follow the Indian Accounting Standard on a cash basis of accounting.


5th March 2019

The second day of Training (Start-up Workshop of FOCUS Mizoram) was started on 5th March 2019 at Horticulture Conference Hall, Aizawl, Mizoram. The session was conducted by Mr.Sriram Sankara Subramanium, IFAD on the topic on procurement through a presentation. The following were discussed on the forenoon of the session:

Introduction to Procurement

Ø Procurement Planning and methods of selection

·        Template.

·        Linkage to AWPB and Cost tables.

·        What to include.

·        Monitoring tool.

·        Methods of selection.

·        Thresholds and IFAD prior review.


Ø Procurement of Goods and Works

·        Identification of needs

·        Methods available

·        Preparation of Specifications

·        Preparation of bid documents

·        Evaluation of bids (specific to goods and works)

·        Award


Ø Contract management of goods/works Review the training need assessment of LTA and LFAs staff on procurement.


After lunch break, the second session for procurement was continued by Mr. Mr.Sriram Sankara Subramanium who gives presentation on the following topics:

·        Procurement of Services

·        Identification of needs

·        Methods available

·        Preparation of Specifications

·        Preparation of bid documents

·        Evaluation of bids (specific to goods and works)

·        Award

·        Contract management of goods/work

·        Governance and Policy on Fraud and Corruption


After the presentation, there was a Q&A session where questions and clarifications related to financial management and procurement.


Key highlights:

Ø Public procurement Bill was introduced on 2010 in India, but is not passed by the parliament till date.

Ø Some States have their own procurement plan which is followed within their jurisdiction.

Ø An IFAD procurement guideline has to be followed in FOCUS project in Mizoram and Nagaland.




Inauguration Function – 6th March

·        Agenda

·        Welcome Address

·        Devotion

·        Overview of Focus Project

·        IFAD partnership with the Government of Mizoram

·        Scope of Convergence with Agriculture and Allied sectors

·        Voices from the field

·        Formal launching of Focus Project & Inaugural Address

·        Vote of thanks

The Focus Project has been inaugurated on 6th March 2019 at Mizoram Legislative Assembly Conference Hall by the Chief Guest Mr. C. Lalrinsanga, Hon’ble Minister for Agriculture, Government of Mizoram. Mr. Lalnunmawia Chuaungo, Chief Secretary, Government of Mizoram and chairman SCRAM has delivered the cordial welcome address which was followed by devotion. He welcomed all the dignitaries present on the dais and participants from various line departments, districts, colleagues and focus staff.

Mr.R.K. Nithanga, CEO, SCRAM, Focus gave a presentation on overview of Focus Project. He highlighted about the structure of the project as well as the hierarchy of the SCRAM.

Mrs. Meera Mishra, Country Coordinator, IFAD highlights about the IFAD and the design process and mentioned that it is the first time IFAD is engaging in Mizoram & Nagaland . She also stated that in 1999, IFAD started working in the North East  under DoNER in the states of Assam, Meghalaya & Manipur in collaboration with NERCOM. In addition she mentioned Livelihoods and Access to Markets Project is also an IFAD Project in Meghalaya. The design process of FOCUS in Mizoram started from December 2016. The design is done through procreative period of meetings and surveying with Government officials, NGO’s as well as church. Rupees 2 crores were sanctioned at the beginning as a kick start fund.

She is pleased that there is cooperation between Mizoram and Nagaland and those we are sharing Procurement Specialist. She also mentioned that the Project is an inter-sectoral Project comprising of line departments including Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Vety, Soil and Water Conservation as well as Forestry Departments.

The Hon’ble Minister gave a heartfelt gratitude to line departments including Agriculture, Horticulture, AH & Vety, Soil & water Conservation and to the farmers who would benefit from the project. He mentioned that Mizoram is a biodiversity hotspot having a landscape of hilly terrain with low population density. Therefore, the farmers in Mizoram apply Jhum cultivation in the fields. He further explained that FOCUS will intervene on value crops and check soil erosion. The traditional farming system which is practice in the present day by the farmers will be difficult to erase but he hope and wish that this problem would be eliminated through this project.

He encouraged the newly recruited staffs of the project to have the mindset of serving the farmers as well as the community for the development of our state in agriculture and allied activities. He also stated that the project staffs are paid to serve the community. He mentioned that the Agriculture Department Secretary could not attend the project launching programme due to the demise of his relative.

He concluded his speech by saying that while there are martyrs of the state, we have the responsibility of serving our nation through this project to follow in their footsteps.

Mr. Zion Lalremruata, General Secretary, All Mizoram Farmers Union (AMFU) mentioned about the difficulties that we are facing due to climate change like Scrub Typhus and Dengue. He prioritized the Agriculture Marketing and Cooperative Society and gave advice to all the Ministers and MLA’s who attend the launching to make the project a grand success.

In the end, Mr. Rohmingthanga Colney, Director, Agriculture (CH) and Mission Director, FOCUS, Government of Mizoram offered a vote of thanks. He thanked all the invited guest and participants for gracing the occasion by their solemn presence







6th March (Afternoon session)

In the Afternoon session, detailed presentation of the project including Project Management features presented by Mr. R.K Nithanga, CEO. He gave a brief description about the project, the implementing agency and the hierarchy of the project. At present all the staff under FOCUS Project is 255.

He also mentioned about the implementation Arrangement

Ø Capacity Building

Ø Land Use Planning

Ø Jhum Improvement & Settled Agriculture

Ø Value Chain Development & Production Support

Ø Marketing Support

Ø Livestock Support

Ø Market Access

Ø Innovation Fund

Ø Knowledge Generation & Sharing

Ø Technical Assistance

Here are the Criteria for selection of beneficiary/farmer

o   Every Jhumming families will be covered

o   WRC (existing will be improved)

o   Any Jhumming family willing to go for agriculture will be promoted

o   No Government servant to be allowed

Introduction to Participatory Land Use Planning: Mr. Shree Shetty gave a detail presentation regarding PLUP and gave a brief idea on how to form a PLUP. He targeted the main aim is to restore and reuse the Jhumland into productive source and making the best use of land available







7th March

In the 4th day workshop Mr.R.K. Nithanga, CEO, SCRAM opens a discussion session regarding the previous day training.  Here the Question & Answer was raised by Mr. Shree Shetty “Will Government officers or retired Government officials eligible to get there benefits?”

Mrs Meera assured “Govt. officials getting benefits from Government will be excluded.” She made the criteria for selection of beneficiaries as follows:

·        Household who practiced Jhum can be included

·        For Jhum FIG, income level is not considered

Presentation 1: Community Mobilization and Partners in Project Implementation

Mr. Shree Shetty, IFAD Consultant, delivered an introductory lecture. He presented on Community and Partners in Project Implementation. He highlighted the following points:

·        Importance of engaging communities  participation and good governance

·        Good governance, benefits of community mobilization &participation of women in the development of the economy.

·        Establishing Community Conservation Area


He stated that in order to find committed people working with SHG’s, YMA and other community organization is a must. He also gave a guideline to obtain FPIC (Free Prior Inform Consent) for that all the District Project Manager will call a meeting at the district or Sub-divisional Level and sent to IFAD.

He also mentioned about preparation of village Profile and to mobilized new FIG 20 members, each representing 10 household.

Presentation 2 : Improved Jhum management

Miss.Lallawmzuali, Technical Officer, Focus Mizoram provided technical presentation on Improved Jhum Cultivation. She highlighted the following points:

·        Current Jhum Improvement and increase cultivation period at the same piece of land

·        To modify Agriculture System from Subsistence Focus to Subsistence and cash income focus

·        Village Level Planning

Presentation 3 : Value Chain & Market Access

Miss.Laltluangkimi, Manager, Knowledge Management, Focus Mizoram presented on Value Chain & Market Access. She highlighted the following points

·        Constraints to Horticulture Value Chain

·        Value Chain Development

·        Marketing Support


She mentioned that Horticulture crops are the key cash crops in Mizoram in terms of providing employment generation & cash income to the farmers in the rural areas. The area around horticulture is presently around 1.43 lakh ha with a production of around 7.03 lakh metric tons in 2015-16 including fruit crops, spices& vegetables.


She also highlighted the shortlisted commodities for every four district comprising of Mamit, Champhai, Kolasib & Serchhip. In Mamit Mizo Chilli & Turmeric, Champhai Ginger & Mizo chilli, Kolasib Turmeric & Mizo Chilli, Serchhip Ginger & Mizo Chilli.


She also mentioned the marketing section will be established by the Horticulture Department



Presentation 4 : Settled Agriculture


Mr. Laldintluanga, Technical Officer, Focus Mizoram lecture about settled Agriculture. He highlighted the following point:-

·        Support to existing TRC

·        Orchards & Plantation in Upland

·        Support for the Landless






Presentation 5 : Targeting , Gender Mainstreaming, K & M & Relevant Policies of IFAD


Mrs. Meera Mishra, Country Coordinator, IFAD highlighted about the role of  knowledge Management and how to disseminate the knowledge and also mentioned about the set up platforms by making websites, newsletters, organize events and workshops and also to produce source material that contributes to programme. Capturing results from field of learning by make it into films, videos & booklets, studies and report and to convert findings of Monitoring & Evaluation, Impact studies into readable format.



8th March


Planning, reporting and monitoring & evaluation requirements and procedure including ORMS and Annual outcome survey presented by Mr Shree Shetty. He mentions that AWPB should be made as per the budget allocated. It should start at the village level, circle level, district level and then to the State. In addition he also state that M & E baseline survey was expected from the FAO. But due to delay of the agreement between FOCUS IFAD Mizoram and FAO, Monitoring and Evaluation has to be done immediately from the 272 Villages covering about 64500 households.


AWPB preparation review hosted by Mr.Peter Zoramthanga, Accounts Officer, FOCS Mizoram.


·        All the participants are divided into groups according to district wise. Each district sits together and discusses their budget according to their allocation.


·        In the afternoon session each district presents their AWPB. At the end of the session Mr. Shree Shetty fixed a targeted date for submission of AWPB i.e. 13th March 2019, for consultation 14 & 15 march 2019 and for finalization. It is fixed on 18th March 2019.